jaipurj@sltnet.lk (+94) 21 – 2222574 05,Old Park Road, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Handicap International,Country Director Visited JJCDR

Handicap International,Country Director Visited JJCDR

Mr.Matteo CAPROTTI, Country Director, Handicap International and Mr. T. Bhahirathan Deputy Programme Coordinator, Handicap International visited JJCDR on 30.9.2014 and...

Handicap International donated Wheel Chairs to JJCDR

Handicap International donated Wheel Chairs to JJCDR

Handicap International donated 6 wheel Chairs with minor repairs to JJCDR JJCDR has mobilized a repair team to repair the...

Visit by Lions Club 2nd Vice District Governor and Deputy District Cabinet Secretary

Visit by Lions Club 2nd Vice District Governor and Deputy District Cabinet Secretary

Lion Dr. V. Thiyagarajah 2nd Vice District Governor and Lion .T.Uthayasurian Deputy District Cabinet Secretary who visited JJCDR on the...

New members of the  Advisory Board

New members of the Advisory Board

JJCDR’s board of Management nominated Mr.V.S.B.Thuseetharan and Dr.K.Nanthakumaran as new Advisory board members at its recent meeting and returning the...