Disable Friendly Toilet
JJCDR has designed a special model toilet to accommodate people with physical disabilities to overcome the accessibility challenges by providing...
JJCDR has designed a special model toilet to accommodate people with physical disabilities to overcome the accessibility challenges by providing...
Dr(Mrs)J. Ganeshamoorthy , Hon. Chairperson and Dr(Mrs)S. Theivendran Hon. Treasurer being interviewed by Eye TV for a documentary film
“Alliance Development Trust” Project Officers Mr. Kumaran and Mr.Yasotharan Visited JJCDR on 5th of Feb 2012. Project Officers had meeting...
5 Members delegation from “HALO” trust and “ Eye film TV” visited JJCDR on 4th Feb 2013. They are planning...
Motivation -Srilanka Country Manager Mr.L.S.Dushyandan hands over a Stainless Steel Welding Plant to Dr (Mrs)J.Ganeshamoorthy ,Hon .Chairperson ,JJCDR at a...
A group of students from SLSPO led by Mr. Emil was in JJCDR on 24th Jan 2013 for a study...
“Mobility Devices for Disabled” is one of the humanitarian projects of JJCDR. The large number of disabled persons in Jaffna...
Mr. Adam Schmidt, Director, USAID Humanitarian Affairs, Ms. Rachel Sorey, Crisis, Stabilization and Governance Officer visited JJCDR on 20th Dec...
Sellan Thangavel 36 years old and lives in Sarasalai South, Chavakachcheri, and he has congenital deformity. He is a beneficiary...
Centre for Advancement of Resource mobilization (CARM) Director Mr. T. Someswaran visited JJCDR on 6th Dec 2012. Hon. Chairperson and...